You have mastered several spells and inscribed them in your spellbook. You start with three first-level spells in addition to your cantrips.
When you spend uninterrupted time preparing spells, choose spells from your spellbook to prepare. You can prepare spells equal to your level +1.
When you release a spell you’ve prepared, roll+INT. On a hit, the spell is successfully cast.
When you draw on a place of power to create a magical effect, tell the GM what you’re trying to achieve. Ritual effects come with constraints.
Choose a spell. You prepare that spell as if it were one level lower.
When you cast a spell, on a 10+, you have the option of choosing from the 7–9 list. If you do, you may additionally choose one of the following effects: The spell’s effects are maximized, or the spell’s targets are doubled.
When you Spout Lore about something no one else has any clue about, take +1.
When another player’s character comes to you for advice and you tell them what you think is best, they get +1 forward when following your advice, and you mark experience if they do.
Add a new spell from the spell list of any class to your spellbook.
When you have time and safety with a magic item, you may ask the GM what it does. The GM will answer truthfully.
When you use strict deduction to analyze your surroundings, you can Discern Realities with INT instead of WIS.
As long as you have at least one prepared spell of first level or higher, you have +2 armor.
When you attempt to counter an arcane spell that will otherwise affect you, stake one of your prepared spells on the defense and roll+INT. On a 10+, the spell is countered and has no effect on you. On a 7–9, the spell is countered, and you forget the spell that you staked. Your counterspell protects you alone; if the countered spell has other targets, they are affected as normal.
When you see the effects of an arcane spell, ask the GM the name of the spell and its effects. You take +1 when acting on the answers.